A good day is all I need...
Got the answer I wanted and I'm exited for it
老王挑戰一日勝投王可惜失敗了...stay at #16 for now....也不可能每次都贏吧...But at the end Yankees still wins babay....All day
一代網球傳奇agassi退休了...戰神哭得真慘...以前每年必看的 samprasVS agassi 是永遠的傳奇吧....他們兩個每次都要戰到第五盤...精采程度真的無從比較..........自從sampras退休之後就不常看網球了
美國的手機真是不優阿....same as NB........決定回台灣買了....華碩!!!!!!!
These days make me realized....血果然是濃於水的...family always comes first becoz friends might come and go...except for  those whom I see as family, I would give a arm or a leg for them without any hesitation. Once you are family, we don't even need to talk to each other all the time or even agree with each other. But we are always on the same side no matter what.
And my hometown girl終於出專輯了....小美聲音真是正...I would kill to be with a girl with that voice.....She's the only few nowdays that can actually sings in taiwan........viva中壢powers !!

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