By coincidence, three taiwanese pitchers were schedule to pitch on the same day.
老王in Yankees VS orioles....郭董in Dodgers VS Mets....小姜in japan...巨人 VS 養樂多
They all won today....very special
老王還是維持超強心臟...穩得不動如山....強力壓制打擊直到第7局失一分...what makes it more special is that he did it without number 3,4,5, bats in the order.....拿到大聯盟#17....And that is the most in te major league right absolutely amazing year for Mr. Wang.
小姜won his game and soley from the report....he's pitching pretty well and dominating in japan right now.
The most suprising and the most feeling I have is for 郭董...He first starting pitching game...
He threw 7K in 7 innings and shut down the team that has the most wins in the major league right now.
他的故事還真是坎坷....two tommy-johns....rarely anybody can come back from even one.
By watching his game....he's absolutely got the stuff to stay in the league for sure.

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